Database management system

Agility, flexibility and performance requirements needed in a demanding market push the enterprises into the automation of the production processes and demand the total control of data both internal and external.

Business and IT production processes require reliable means for collecting, storing and classifying data. The decision-making processes rely today on the aggregation, combinatorial and the analysis of enterprise data.

Data assets are bigger and bigger, more complex and difficult to handle. Database infrastructure management requires not only the availability of the data, their integrity and effective responses to the users’ demands, but also the ability to keep up to date and adapt a constantly growing infrastructure that must support the business goals.

Master historical, active or prospect data is a prerequisite today for an enlightened governance.

Our expertise

Our team specialized in database management is composed of certified world-class experts, with proven references, working both at the international and the sub region level, and whose advanced skills cover a full range of services covering :

– Administration,
– Supervision,
– Audit,
– Technical support (curative and evolving maintenance).

Our partner

Oracle’s technological solutions are designed to meet the complex needs of enterprises and to align the vison to the production processes. They also ensure a simple, reliable and effective integration of the business applications and the technical platforms on various production environment.

With the Business Intelligence solution Oracle enables the federation of enterprise data, their analysis and the production of decision making reports and effective anticipation methods.

The Security solutions at Oracle ensure data integrity, availability and confidentiality, protection against attacks and regulatory conformity.

Consolidation and Cloud Computing solutions ensure the evolution of any technological infrastructure with integrated solutions from the applications to the disks.

Based on everything above ITGStore offers the following services with a solid experience and a proven expertise :

Installation, implementation and administration of databases 


– Installation & Configuration
– Administration
– Backup/Restauration
– Migration/Upgrade
– SQL Audit
– Performance Tuning

Extreme performance– faster implementation – reduced cost

Oracle Engineered Systems

– Storage and databases consolidation which provides an extreme computing power and optimal performance.

Track, Filter and/or Block operations

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

– Track all operations on any database type, and facilitate regulatory compliance without any application modification.

Remain operational 24/7/365

Oracle High Availability (Data Guard & RAC)

– Ensure high availability by clustering and data replication, disaster recovery management